วันจันทร์ที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2557

Top Questions For Dog Adoption & Handling For Families With Children

Top Questions For Dog Adoption & Handling For Families With Children
  • By Julie Bjelland

Here is a list of questions from someone who is interested in getting a dog or puppy and they have a 4-month-old baby and a 4-year-old son. It's a good list of questions and answers for anyone with children considering getting a dog. (My answers follow the A:)...
Q: What is the best age dog to get with children (i.e. puppy or older than 1 year)?
A: I think you should get a dog that is older than 2 years old. Any younger than two and you have to deal with a lot of the puppy/adolescent behavior that can be difficult with a baby and very active boy in the house.
Q: Most shelters list what is best for the dog; such as children over 10, how can I find a dog that is best for children under 10?
A: I think you should get a dog that is medium sized or bigger...a small sized dog can be injured easily with your son's age and energy and simply because your son is too young to fully understand what can hurt a dog.
Q: Purebreds vs. mutts, what's better and for whom?
A:Mixed breeds are generally healthier and get the best of both traits. But, breed rescue groups can also be great places to adopt adult dogs because the dogs are living in foster care which are more like real homes; not shelters, so their personalities are really known even better.
Q: Is there any particular breed of dog that is better with children than others? Shelters say it depends on the dog.
A:There are so many differences within the breed as to what a dog can be like so It really does depend on the dog, but shelters and rescue organizations are generally trained to know what each dogs temperament and personality is like that they have available for adoption, so they could meet with you and discuss what dogs they have available. You may think you want a high-energy dog to match your son's energy but I would NOT get a high-energy dog with a baby and a small child. High - energy, young dogs require a lot of exercise-like 3 long fast paced walks up to an hour each and can NEVER skip a walk. High-energy dogs do better with people that plan to do dog agility, dog sports, hiking, running daily, and are always on the go, etc. Playtime, even with your active son will not be enough exercise for a high-energy dog in my opinion. Think about your energy level and typical schedule as the parent and try to match it to that.
Q: For a small yard, what size dog is best? Big dog for a big yard and a small dog for a small yard? Shelters say it is the opposite. Smaller dogs have more energy.
A: In my opinion dogs that do well are the ones that go for daily walks, so the size of your yard doesn't matter that much. Again, I think at least a medium size dog could be good for you guys.
Q: Where can I go for dog training that will include a youngster, so they can learn too? You, perhaps???
A:Your 4 year old son is really too young to be a part of a professional training experience. What I would suggest is that parents first learn dog training and then teach children the VERY basic things like what they'd be allowed to do and what they aren't. For example, make the dog sit before offering a treat. Don't feed the dog at the table. Teach your children some of the family rules for the dog. Plus, when you learn command words you can teach your child, but age appropriate as it is really difficult for him to be consistent enough. The training is going to be done by you, the parent.
Q: What breed of dog can handle being alone for a portion of the day?
A: Most dogs that have been well exercised, tired out, and fed before you leave can be alone for a portion of the day. You may think about keeping them in a crate while you are away, but that will depend on the dog.
Q: Dogs and babies; introducing your dog to your baby.
A:Until you have established yourself as the dog's leader, the dog should not be allowed close to the baby. You as its leader can later introduce the baby but it will be done on-leash and after you've done some training with the dog for a period of time. Otherwise, the dog should not be near the baby in the first few weeks. When you do introduce the dog, they should be first introduced to the smell of the baby through the babies things, then later sit quietly next to the baby in a down stay with you holding the baby. The dog can be allowed to smell the baby's feet and legs but not near the babies face yet. Babies and small children need to be supervised with your dog at all times.
Q: How often should the dog be fed?
A: Twice a day is best for their health. They need to be allowed to relieve themselves after eating as well.
Q: What is the best dog food or what should/shouldn't be in it?
A: If your dog has no health concerns, some of the premium foods with less by-products are good. You can speak with your VET about this after your dog has been examined...they will know more then regarding their fur, skin, etc to recommend a food for you.
Q: What resources are there for finding a good dog-to-family match?
A: A really good shelter or rescue organization should have these resources. They should know their dogs well and be dedicated to matching the dog with the right person. If they are not, then you should not adopt from them. I am also willing to work one-on-one through my site to help people pick the best dog for their family.
Q: When an infant is in the house, can a dog be adopted soon or should there be a waiting period? Should the dog be a puppy or an older dog?
A: Personally, I know I wouldn't have been able to handle having a new dog with a newborn, because it is a lot of responsibility with the exercise, brushing, cleaning up after the dog and the extra supervising. You will not be able to let your children around the dog unsupervised for the first few months until you have established your training with your dog and your son has completely understood what he can and can't do with the dog.
Q: What should you look for when adopting a dog that the shelters may not tell you?
A: If it is a good shelter, they should be really upfront with you. Shelters are careful because they don't want to see the dog returned back to the shelter.
Q: What to do when puppies teeth and bite?
A: Having a puppy is A LOT of work! Teething goes on a long time and when they are small they have very sharp teeth. You have to constantly offer your puppy an alternative to chew on and be good with your timing and technique. I have a lot of this information on my site too in more detail and I am happy to work personally with you through the site as well.
Q: Can an old dog really not learn new tricks????
A: Old dogs CAN learn new tricks. The amazing thing about dogs is that as soon as you teach them something well, they learn it!
Good luck with your search for the right dog for you and your family!
For more information and consultations about picking the right dog for you and your family and for training and behavioral advice visit: webdogtrainer.com
Julie Bjelland Lokhandwala is founder of webDogTrainer, LLC. and has created the interactive Online Dog Training Guide and Consultation http://www.webdogtrainer.com
You can ask Julie any dog question!
"Julie had an immediately calming effect on us as dog owners. She can explain the canine perspective and how we as humans can interact with our dog in a positive way, even when disciplining. Julie was super patient with all of our questions and even fielded our email questions after training ended," said Sina and Ed of Fremont, California.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julie_Bjelland