วันอังคารที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Do You Have a Job that You Just Despise Coming to on Mondays?

Do You Have a Job that You Just Despise Coming to on Mondays?

By Rob Mead
"Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead failure is a few errors in judgment- repeated every day." This is a quote from the prominent businessman/writer named Jim Rohn.

Think about the fact that you go to a job you hate, every Monday through Friday, eight hours a day at the minimum, to get enough money to pay the bills so you can do it all over again. To me, this sounds like an error in judgment repeated every day. Wake up to the new world reality that is computer technology, the world economy and the power of the Internet to get on your own two feet and generate your own income on a 24-7 basis. Here are 8 reasons that will you show in detail why being a slave to your boss is wrong and why your main mission in life should be to quit.

1. Employment income is over-taxed income. The US government likes to keep its citizens in the dark about exactly how much taxes are taken out of your paycheck each week. Your employer only pays a portion of the income tax on your check, you pay the rest. Investors and owners of your company get another huge portion of your employment taxes, so whom are you really working for? Yourself? Not a chance. That's why even if you make your own income of $150/week, you will get more than 80% more of your own personal income from that amount than you would making $200/week at Starbucks. Your actual salary at Starbucks may be almost triple of what you are actually paid when you cash your check! Are you getting angry yet? Good! You should be!

2. Co-workers are like lemmings going over a cliff. Tomorrow morning, when you go to your office, look around at your fellow co-workers. How many smiles do you count? One, two, maybe three if you're lucky? The reason most people in offices are unhappy is because it's not in the best human element to be kept in 70-degree office buildings where you're happy to escape for a 10-minute break to the great outdoors to have a 7-minute conversation with somebody. Office workers are like robots or lemmings that just follow the person next to them and do what they do, no matter the consequences. "Bill works at Capitol One and makes $15/hr, so I applied with them. I hate the job I have now, but the next one I get will be great, because I hear Bill loves doing maintenance on computers in the IT department over there." Haven't you heard a similar conversation lately? It always seems to be better somewhere else, but you get there, and everybody there hates it just as much! Don't be a lemming- think for yourself and take action!

3. Too much risk involved if you stay with your company for a long period of time Every month in America, thousands of workers just like you are laid off with no warning at all. It's called "at will", and 80% of American employers now have that legally binding term in their employee contracts. What that means is that if the company can find a problem with your attendance, tardiness, sexual misconduct or personal habits interfering with the employer's working environment, they can fire you with little notice. Now does that sound risk free to you? I thought not. Check into your own employee contract you signed, and I'm pretty sure it has the "at will" clause in it. You are already gambling with your income if you feel completely secure that one day your employer won't use those two words that Donald Trump is so fond of saying, "You're fired!"

4. You beg and plead for any amount of money you can get from your boss When it comes to getting a raise, what do you usually have to do? I'll tell you: You have to grovel like a hungry dog in front of the boss and give him as many reasons as you can to come up with why you deserve the feeble 5% yearly raise in your salary. Meanwhile, the cost of living has gone up by 8%, making it a moot point to your disposable income even if you do get the limp raise. The 3% difference means you will never have any disposable income as long as you continue to get raises that never keep up with the cost of living. The only choice most people have is whipping out their credit cards and paying for everything on their already maxed-to-the-limit Visa cards. That's why America leads the world in most consumer debt. The credit card companies know this. That's why they raise your credit card limits as well as the A.P.R. fees and take away any income you might have had sitting in your checking account. How does it feel to be a prisoner of the working class? Not too good, I take it.

5. Your working life is your social life This could not be a worse scenario for personal contacts on a daily basis. If you're not talking to one of your co-workers about how slutty Jane is, or how badly your boss sucks, you're talking about when will the coffee maker ever get fixed, or why is the air conditioning still on the fritz, and even more mundane topics of conversation. Why don't you go outside into the real world and interact with people that your boss has not put his stamp of approval on? Are you so relegated to just talking to fellow co-workers that you lost the ability to speak to strangers that are far more interesting? Now that's just plain sad.

6 No more freedom Have you ever wondered why when you begin a job, the employee's handbook is over 50 pages long, and filled with every rule, mandate and regulation known to man? It's because the employer wants to break down the will of every employee so they cannot make their own decisions anymore. The perfect employee now thinks that if he breaks one of the 42 rules in the handbook, he will be fired or otherwise disciplined. There are more and more corporations coming down hard on employees that have too many family pictures on their gray cubicles, or listen to their radio or I-pod's too much throughout the day. The self-employed individual would never stand for that in a million years. They understand that the loss of their ability to live the way they want to is way too much to give up, no matter how much money is offered.

7. Being fearful becomes a state of mind Employees at most companies live in a constant state of fear, hoping they never have to find another job if they are laid off of the one they have. Every employee who fears their employers like this has no real courage in the rest of their lives, either. It causes a psychological breakdown of any self-respect they have, and most employees carry their lack of self-respect with them throughout the remainder of their careers. That's why most people keep generating the same level of income, never becoming what they wanted to be when they were kids. Who wanted to be a gutless coward who cowers in fear every time their boss walks into the room with an angry look on his face? Not this writer, for damn sure!

8. You can generate your own passive income by starting out small. Most people who are in desperate need to quit their job and retire well beyond when they should, are always looking for a "get rich quick" scheme. Sorry to say, this has always been an urban myth, and just a way for shady marketers to take your $9.95 out of your wallet and give you nothing back except empty promises. Those schemes will never work, but what will work is finding something you love to do, and putting it together with a way to generate royalty income from it. An example: You love going to swap meets to find great bargains on picture frames. Start a small website selling the picture frames you bought at a 45% profit for every picture frame sold. By combining a nice-looking site with a decent blog about art and artists, along with classic picture frames from the 1800's for instance, you'll have a great shot at making upwards of $2000 a month with no problem. It has to be a service or product that you love, because you have to keep your passion about the business alive and kicking to get your new business in the profit margin. You could go on E-Bay to sell them on your E-Bay site linked to their main page, but E-Bay fees are high right now, so you might start with them, and then go set up your personal site after generating your own loyal buyers. You also can add pop-up ads to your site to generate more income, and when you update your site blog, you can take your older blogs and turn them into articles, which you can then sell to article submission sites like "Associated Content." This might take at least six months and some detailed work to get going, but when the money starts rolling in, you can take more time off from work until eventually you can quit, and start doing something you really love to do.

If you are having a problem reading about the reasons you need to leave your job immediately, then you are probably a well-conditioned employee of a large to fairly large corporation, and this is hitting too close to the bone. Don't get defensive about it- do something about it! Look into generating your own passive income, or any other way to get a self-employed income that frees you up from being a prisoner to the American workplace. Re-train your mind to quit behaving like a trained animal locked in a cage, and break free of your captors to become what you truly desire to be: a strong-willed human being.

Rob Mead has written many articles about internet marketing and how to create and find great website content that will increase your web site's traffic overnight. Go to [http://www.perfectwebcontent.com] and you will be able to use all of the web site's resources and articles in your quest for internet success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Mead