How to Stay Afloat in the Workplace Competition
By Nikole Cruise
Office politics and competition between employees is common in a corporate setting. Everyone wants to gain a promotion and climb the ladder of success. This kind of environment brings out the worst and best in everyone. It's a dog-eat-dog world. You must know how to compete in such an environment if you want to survive.
Naturally, you might want to be a little more competitive than usual. Success only comes to those who work for it, so they say. It is only natural for someone to dream of success. However, it is important to remember that in order to gain success, hard work is needed. To stay above workplace competitions, you must be wary of the several consequences. First, it may bring about more stress than usual. Second, it can intensify office politics, who sides who, which can bring upon jealousy between co-workers.
Upon the many disadvantages of being competitive in the workplace lie the advantages. Promotion and being able to climb the ladder of success is just the icing on the cake. Through the process, you will have the chance to enhance your skills, know how to reach the top and survive in any kind of working environment.
Know Your Skills and Hone Them
The basic rule in workplace competition is to offer something at the table. You should have the necessary skills to help you survive the working arena. If you don't know what your skills are, then don't even bother competing because your co-workers will surely have the advantage over you. What you must do is to know what your skills really are. This isn't that hard to do since it is you who know yourself more.
In case you determine what kind of skills you have and what use they can be for the company, remember to develop and hone them. These profitable skills can be an investment for you. By developing your skills and practicing them in the working environment, you are surely investing in yourself for success.
Learn More, Experience More
Most of the time, a person who has more education succeeds faster than others. If you are not too sure about your education, it is always good to go back to school and learn more. Remember that it is always good to have the proper education. Changes can occur anytime and you wouldn't know when your knowledge could be used, so it is important to have a good one.
Most importantly, you should be able to keep abreast of any technological advancement available. Remember that every year, innovations are made. You must keep yourself informed about these technologies because it may soon be applied to your job. By keeping yourself updated, you are maintaining your position ahead of the workplace competition.
Increase Your Worth
Occasionally, companies send their employees to training camps to further develop their skills. They believe that it is important for an employee to continue on developing himself or herself in order to perform better at work. However, the common scenario seems to be an employee waiting for an indefinite time to be sent to the training camps due to the number of employees to be trained. This can be a huge hindrance to your success in the workplace competition.
Instead of waiting to be sent on training, you can look for training camps yourself. There are several camps that hold training events each year. You can find them on pamphlets and on the Internet. Browse the web to see if you can enroll on something useful to your job and start training.
Be And Act as a Company Asset
You cannot succeed a competition if you can't last long. Most companies have long term plans for their employees. They assess each individual's skills and attitudes to know if they fit the future plans of the company. In order to stay relevant to the company, you must show them that you are a fast learner and can be trained well. Learn how you can make a difference to the company and you will surely succeed in any workplace competition.
Got some more questions on staying above workplace competitions? You might find answers at
Nikole Cruise holds a top management position that handles promotions, recruitment, evaluation, and consultation with employees and applicants for the Human Resources department of an international outsourcing company. She gives valuable advice about successfully finding and keeping work, changing career, climbing the ladder of success, and having fulfilling work experiences at
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