วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Why Does Your Dog Completely Ignore You Around Dogs?

Why Does Your Dog Completely Ignore You Around Dogs?
  • By Kevin Salem

Have you ever wondered what "exactly" could be the reason why does your dog bark, pull on the leash, lunge, growl, attack, shiver, whimper, shy away or is dying to play when faced with other dogs that he is not familiar with?
Here are all the reasons:
o You don't have the right timing, right technique, or the right training tool that can get your dog under your complete control. If a certain tool stops working or doesn't even seem to faze your dog anymore, try another one. Use what works!
o You never thought socializing your dog with other dogs was really important or even possible. So you kept putting it off and now you finally admit that this has become a serious issue!
o You have been avoiding any dog you came across by changing routes on your walks, or by walking your dog really late at night or super early in the morning.

o Your training foundation is weak or even worse, you have no foundation. Meaning, your dog doesn't even listen to you that well in private or in your home. So why would he all of sudden behave like a perfect angel around dogs that he doesn't know or doesn't feel comfortable with?
o Your dog USED to be friendly around dogs, but you slacked off on being involved on dog activities, daily walks, etc. And now, all of sudden your dog doesn't know exactly how to behave around dogs he hasn't met before.

วันอังคารที่ 3 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

City Dog Walking Advice

City Dog Walking Advice
By James T Phillips
City dog walking requires 360 degree awareness at all times
Dogs love cities! What they lose in wide open space is made up for in the volume of sights, sounds and smells which envelop a dog during their time outside. Many owners who have moved their suburban or rural dog to the city have found that they develop a new level of confidence, both with other dogs and with people.
But with this stimulation comes the potential for mishap. Walking your dog in the city demands your utmost care and attention at all times. It's a good idea to bear a few things in mind during a city dog walk:
Never unleash your dog on a city street
For most people, this is common sense -- yet it's surprising how many dog owners think it's no big deal to walk their dog off leash in the city. Such people will tell you that their dog "would never do anything crazy", but the simple truth is that all dogs have the potential to react unpredictably when provoked or startled. Here's why you should never walk your dog unleashed on city streets: